Support and Legislative Assistance for Declarations of Conformity in the FCMs area

The control and evaluation of the declarations of conformity is the basis of the evaluation of the suitability for contact with food. In order to be able to better manage the problems inherent in this area, CSI legislative assistance service made up of expert technicians in the different types of materials allows a rapid, adequate and rationalized planning of the analytical procedures.

In addition to document control, the service offers:

  • Answer to technical questions;
  • Verification of the field of applicability of the standards;
  • Drafting of technical documentation;
  • Control and development of voluntary labeling;
  • Assistance to companies in problem solving situations.

A Legislative Assistance service, in the form of a subscription, aims to support companies in the complicated world of sector legislation through:

Dedicated mailbox;

  • Newsletter with main updates on food contact and updating of the SVHC substances list;
  • Viewing, correcting and commenting on supplier compliance statements;
  • Verification of the correctness of the declarations of conformity;
  • Drafting of declarations of conformity against supplier documentation analysis;
  • Evaluation of supporting documentation;
  • Rationalization, optimization and drafting of analytical plans;
  • Help in managing the results obtained for all types of tests.
Tool to enhance the agri-food and forestry sectors, increasing market confidence... Tool to certify the capability of an organization to gain and maintain steadily, service standard declared to the public... Formal act of a third-party body that certify the conformity of the product technical reference documents, marketing deed to enhance and diversify the product... For years the training offered by IMQ group represented a point of reference for professional development and the update of freelance and employees. Second and third-party, inspections and testing: expert auditors capable to understand the situation of the company... CSI brand is valuable tool to enhance your brand and distinguish your products on the market, as an epitome of safety and quality. CSI brand assures that the product, before it reaches the market, has been subjected to all the needed test to verify the compliance to the standards’ requirements by a third-party body. CSI brand means also safeguard for the makers in terms of protection for damage caused by a defected product. Product certified by CSI are easily exportable, because of the relationship and the support of other European and international certification bodies.