This is a series of certifications that aim to provide companies with innovative and voluntary tools that are useful and preparatory to compliance with environmental regulatory requirements and, where applicable, to the performance upgrading of products defined by specific standards. The voluntary nature of these tools allows companies to demonstrate to the market (customers, users and consumers) their diligence towards improving the environmental impact of their products and guaranteeing the level of performance.
The auditable features are:
FSC CoC certification is a system that allows material, whether directly from the forest or recycled, to be traced from source to finished product, thus giving the guarantee that the product comes from a certified forest, managed in a controlled footprint or from recycled material.
In addition to wood, non-wood forest products - such as wild berries, truffles and mushrooms - can also be certified if they come from certified forests. On the other hand, services such as tourism and sports, wildlife, air and water are currently not certifiable.
Ecosystem services can be defined as the benefits that people obtain from ecosystems, even in the face of management activities that contribute to their maintenance or improvement. These benefits include different aspects among which it is possible to mention the conservation and restoration of the natural characteristics of forests and biodiversity, the regeneration and storage of carbon stocks, the maintenance and improvement of water quality and the regulation of water flow, the regeneration and improvement of soil conditions as well as the conservation and improvement of areas intended for tourist and recreational activities.
Currently, it is possible for an organization to highlight the positive impacts of its forest management on ecosystems if in possession of an FSC® forest management certificate, through an extension of this certification.
CSI can issue both FSC forest certification and extend the latter to verify the positive impacts of management activities on ecosystem services.
With PEFC CoC certification, companies and organisations can guarantee that the products, they sell, come from sustainably managed, controlled forests or recycled materials: wood can be certified, but also non-timber forest products.