Second part audit of the agri-food sector

CSI proposes itself as a partner for the management of outsourced services (such as, for example, inspections), on the basis of both nationally and internationally codified and proprietary standards.

In this sense, CSI envisages itself as a body with expertise in various food and non-food sectors able to offer audit services both to companies interested in system and product audits, and to distribution chains for processing and management. surveillance plans for private label product suppliers. The final result will be an inspection report that will provide a picture of the situation, as it was detected at a well-defined moment and that can be used by the client to evaluate / qualify the supplier.

Second Party Audit Services - Inspections

Here are some examples of CSI inspection activities:

Evaluation of a supplier's production processes
Based on technical specifications agreed with the customer, CSI is able to provide an ad hoc auditing service with qualified personnel dedicated to various product sectors such as: food, household, food-contact, detergency, tissue.

Evaluation of products at the points of sale
CSI offers an evaluation service that allows you to verify the adequacy of the markings affixed to the product / package and the management of the products against specifications defined by the customer. Through a rapid communication system between CSI and the customer it will be possible to promptly implement all the necessary actions as regards the resolution of shortcomings that have emerged for the defined aspects.

Evaluation of the hygienic-sanitary compliance of the points of sale, of the storage-handling platforms and means of transport of agri-food products
Making use of qualified personnel in the field of hygiene and health, CSI allows to maintain control of the correct management of the points of sale both from the hygienic point of view and from the point of view of application of specific procedures defined by the customer.

Tool to enhance the agri-food and forestry sectors, increasing market confidence... Tool to certify the capability of an organization to gain and maintain steadily, service standard declared to the public... Formal act of a third-party body that certify the conformity of the product technical reference documents, marketing deed to enhance and diversify the product... For years the training offered by IMQ group represented a point of reference for professional development and the update of freelance and employees. Second and third-party, inspections and testing: expert auditors capable to understand the situation of the company... CSI boasts skills matured in over 50 years of activity. IMQ Group is a brand recognized by the market as a synonym of safety and quality, and an internationally recognized partner, appreciated member of the main international regulatory working groups. CSI combines the certification of products-processes-services with the activities of specialised laboratories operating on a wide range of goods. CSI is an internationally recognised brand and partner, a valued member of the main international regulatory working groups. All CSI staff are obliged to strictly observe professional secrecy. CSI technicians use English as their primary language, and French and German in technical and commercial communications outside Italy. CSI builds its testing and certification services on customer needs. Since the 60' CSI has been working to anticipate the future, to make the present safer.