Notified body for the main EU directives, CSI offers tests and certifications to certify the conformity of products with the requirements necessary to place them on the European market.
The single market is one of the great achievements of our time: this economic space in which goods, services, capital and people can move freely lays the foundations for more competitive development within the European Union. The European Union has devised original and innovative tools to remove obstacles to the free movement of goods.
Among them, a place of honor is reserved for the new approach to the regulation of products and the assessment of their conformity. A substantial element of this new orientation is the reduction of the intervention of the Member States, leaving industry with the widest possible choice of ways to meet the obligations imposed by the European Directives. In this context, the Notified Bodies, which are entrusted with the task of assessing the conformity of the products, play a role of primary importance.
CSI operates as a notified body for the issue of CE Certification (identification number 0497), directly carrying out all the required activities: laboratory tests, inspection activities and issuing of certifications. CSI participates, with other Notified Bodies, in various Italian and European Working Groups to contribute to development and keep up to date on the regulations that govern this increasingly global and competitive market.