Eco compatibility evaluations: biodegradability and compostability

CSI is accredited by ACCREDIA also for the biodegradability and compostability tests of packaging according to UNI EN 13432, the standard that defines the characteristics that packaging must have in order to be considered biodegradable and compostable.

An accreditation that further strengthens the role of CSI, already recognized in the packaging sector as an authoritative center of reference for testing activities on packaging materials, those in contact with food and those for the pharmaceutical and food.

According to the UNI EN 13432 standard, a material to be defined as "compostable" must have the following characteristics:

  • biodegradability: that is the ability of the material to be converted into carbon dioxide under the action of microorganisms. The test conditions to be adopted are those provided for by UNI EN ISO 14855-1: 2013 and UNI EN 10046: 2003, which indicates that the material must be able to degrade by at least 90% within 6 months.
  • degree of disintegration: the packaging disintegration test takes place according to the ISO16929: 2013 standard. In contact with a standard waste for a period of 3 months, the resulting mass of the tested material, after screening on a 2 mm sieve, must have a weight of less than 10%
  • absence of negative effects on the composting process: the compost resulting from the composting process must not have ecotoxic effects on higher plants and the compost must be of good quality
  • the material to be composted must have a concentration of heavy metals lower than that required by the standard.

Compliance with the UNI EN 13432 standard, we remind you, meets one of the requirements of the European Packaging Directive (94/62 / EE) and the requirements for the marketing of light and ultralight bags (shoppers) provided for by Law no. 123 of 3 August 2017.

Biodegradability and compostability are key elements in a circular economy process. Having the certainty of relying on an accredited, reliable, competent structure, with a team of technicians constantly updated on technological and regulatory developments, is an added value for that social and environmental responsibility to which packaging producers are increasingly drawn, by consumers and the market in general.

CSI database allows you to know the Organizations / companies with a certified management system.

Tool to enhance the agri-food and forestry sectors, increasing market confidence... Tool to certify the capability of an organization to gain and maintain steadily, service standard declared to the public... Formal act of a third-party body that certify the conformity of the product technical reference documents, marketing deed to enhance and diversify the product... For years the training offered by IMQ group represented a point of reference for professional development and the update of freelance and employees. Second and third-party, inspections and testing: expert auditors capable to understand the situation of the company... CSI brand is valuable tool to enhance your brand and distinguish your products on the market, as an epitome of safety and quality. CSI brand assures that the product, before it reaches the market, has been subjected to all the needed test to verify the compliance to the standards’ requirements by a third-party body. CSI brand means also safeguard for the makers in terms of protection for damage caused by a defected product. Product certified by CSI are easily exportable, because of the relationship and the support of other European and international certification bodies.