PEFC CoC Sustainable Forest Management Products Certification
Chain of Custody Certification Service
Thanks to the PEFC CoC certification, companies and organizations can guarantee that the products sold come from forests with sustainable management, managed in a controlled form or from recycled materials: wood can be certified, but also non-wood forest products. For example, it is possible to apply certification to products such as undergrowth products, while it is not currently possible to extend it to services such as tourism or sports, to natural resources such as water or air or to forest fauna.
"PEFC CoC: certify products from Sustainable Forest Management"
A PEFC CoC certified company can enjoy several advantages on the market, such as greater competitive capacity and a better reputation.
Specifically, the certification of the chain of custody, that is the chain that goes from Sustainable Forest Management to the sale of the final product, allows:
- to sell products with a credible guarantee that they do not come from illegal logging and paper
- to demonstrate their Social Responsibility, improving the image of the individual company and of the entire wood-furniture sector
- to communicate their choice thanks to a logo to be applied both on products and company material, both administrative such as invoices or advertising
- to have easier access to public contracts, which in the specifications increasingly provide for the use of wood from certified forests
- to have an effective marketing tool aimed at retaining existing customers and acquiring new ones
- to have a means of entering markets where the demand for certified products is increasing, such as publishing, cosmetics and herbal medicine
- to expand its markets in general thanks to the ever-increasing attention of consumers and commercial structures towards certified products.
CSI with the ICILA brand can also issue FSC certifications in addition to PEFC, allowing companies a single interlocutor and therefore saving on certification costs.
PEFC International Standard