Physical Mechanical Test on Packaging
Even for objects intended to contain a particular product, regardless of its nature, require an upstream study to verify performance during use. On flexible films, plastic bottles, paper boxes, aluminum trays, numerous tests can be conducted to verify their functionality, resistance or durability in real application.
The Laboratory has various instruments capable of performing physical and mechanical tests in accordance with the main national and international technical standards.
The approach is recommended not only in the design and verification phase of the specifications, but also in the "problem solving" area:
- Compression and bending test;
- Resistance test of welds;
- Tear test (Elmendorf);
- Dart Test;
- Stress and elongation at break;
- Resistance to delamination (peeling);
- ECT (Edge Compression Test);
- BCT (Box Compressione Test);
- Accelerated aging;
- Resistance to low and high temperatures or microwave cooking;
- Drop test;
- Child proof test in accordance with UNI EN ISO 8317, CEN EN 862, FDA § 1700
The laboratory performs a wide range of physical-mechanical tests for the characterization of bags for the collection of municipal solid waste:
- Sacks for MSW: determination of the polymeric matrix Standard / Method: UNI 7315
- Sacks for MSW: determination of opacification Standard / Method: UNI 7315
- Bags for MSW: determination of resistance to free fall Standard / Method: UNI 7315
- Sacks for MSW: determination of the tensile characteristics Standard / Method: UNI 7315 and UNI EN ISO 527-3
- Sacks for MSW: determination of load resistance and water tightness Standard / Method: UNI 7315 and for the characterization of household waste (standard sacks; drawtight sacks; T-shirt sacks; strap sacks; four flap sacks; star sealed sacks)
- Plastic bags for the collection of household waste: dimensional Standard / Method: UNI EN 13592
- Plastic bags for the collection of household waste: water tightness Standard / Method: UNI EN 13592
- Plastic bags for the collection of household waste: determination of resistance to free fall Standard / Method: UNI EN 13592
- Plastic bags for the collection of household waste: dart test Standard / Method: UNI EN 13592
- Plastic bags for the collection of household waste: determination of the tensile characteristics Standard / Method: UNI EN 13592
The laboratory also performs tests on raw-secondary plastic materials - according to the UNI 10667-1 standard and derivatives:
- UNI 10667-2 - Polyethylene intended for different uses, coming from the recycling of industrial residues and / or materials from pre and / or post consumer
- UNI 10667-3 - Polypropylene intended for different uses, coming from the recycling of industrial residues and / or pre and / or post-consumer materials
- UNI 10667-4 - Polyvinyl chloride intended for different uses, coming from the recycling of containers for pre and / or post consumer liquids
- UNI 10667-5 - Plasticized polyvinyl chloride intended for different uses, coming from the recycling of industrial residues and / or pre and / or post consumer materials
- UNI 10667-6 - Rigid polyvinyl chloride intended for different uses, coming from the recycling of industrial residues and / or rigid non-plasticized products from pre and / or post consumption
- UNI 10667-7 - Polyethylene terephthalate in flakes intended for the production of fibers, coming from the recycling of containers for post-consumer liquids
- UNI 10667-8 - Polyethylene terephthalate in flakes intended for the production of hollow bodies, coming from the recycling of containers for post-consumer liquids
- UNI 10667-9 - Polyethylene terephthalate in flakes intended for the production of sheets and leaves, coming from the recycling of containers for post-consumer liquids
- UNI 10667-10 - Polystyrene intended for different uses, coming from the recycling of industrial residues and / or pre and / or post consumer materials
- UNI 10667-11 - Polyethylene and copolymers from leaves and films for agriculture intended for different uses
- UNI 10667-12 - Expanded polystyrene, coming from industrial and / or post-consumer residues, intended for different uses
- UNI 10667-14 - Mixtures of recycled polymeric materials and other recycled cellulose-based materials to be used as aggregates in cement mortars, bitumens and asphalts
- UNI 10667-15 - Polyethylene terephthalate from post-consumer, industrial waste and residues from mechanical recycling, destined for chemical recycling for depolymerization
- UNI 10667-16 - Mixtures of heterogeneous plastic materials based on polyolefins from industrial residues and / or post-consumer materials destined for different transformation technologies
- UNI 10667-17 - Mixtures of recycled polymeric materials and other recycled cellulose-based materials to be used as aggregates in cement mortars, bitumens and asphalts