Production, packaging, distribution and sale of cosmetics are now governed by the European Regulation (EC) no. 1223/2009, which entered into force in its entirety on 11 July 2013.
One of the main objectives, for which the new Regulation on cosmetic products was created, is to guarantee the placing on the European Union market of safe cosmetic products, in order to protect the safety of the end user, considering various aspects (from the manufacturing method to the control of the ingredients, from the obligation of the information to be declared on the label to the evaluations carried out by an expert).
To control quality throughout the cosmetics and detergents supply chain, the Food Packaging Materials Laboratory of CSI offers a wide range of services; from tests for chemical and microbiological control, to the drafting of dedicated analytical plans for each type of product:
Furthermore, CSI, thanks to the experience gained in testing for the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors, offers a certification service against the IFS HPC Standard, a certification scheme designed for companies producing products for home and personal care, private label and not. CSI is authorized to perform IFS HPC certification audits in the household chemicals and cosmetic products sectors.