Testing and Verification of Conformity of Cosmetic Products and Detergents

Production, packaging, distribution and sale of cosmetics are now governed by the European Regulation (EC) no. 1223/2009, which entered into force in its entirety on 11 July 2013.

One of the main objectives, for which the new Regulation on cosmetic products was created, is to guarantee the placing on the European Union market of safe cosmetic products, in order to protect the safety of the end user, considering various aspects (from the manufacturing method to the control of the ingredients, from the obligation of the information to be declared on the label to the evaluations carried out by an expert).

To control quality throughout the cosmetics and detergents supply chain, the Food Packaging Materials Laboratory of CSI offers a wide range of services; from tests for chemical and microbiological control, to the drafting of dedicated analytical plans for each type of product:

  • Titling;
  • Viscosity measurements;
  • Determination of preservatives;
  • Allergens, additives and whiteners;
  • Content of heavy metals and zeolites;
  • Surfactant content;
  • Paraben determination;
  • Microbiology and challenge test;
  • Packaging / product interaction test, resistance to chemical agents and substances (stress cracking);
  • Field tests for childproof resealable packaging systems - “child proof test”.

Furthermore, CSI, thanks to the experience gained in testing for the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors, offers a certification service against the IFS HPC Standard, a certification scheme designed for companies producing products for home and personal care, private label and not. CSI is authorized to perform IFS HPC certification audits in the household chemicals and cosmetic products sectors.

Tool to enhance the agri-food and forestry sectors, increasing market confidence... Tool to certify the capability of an organization to gain and maintain steadily, service standard declared to the public... Formal act of a third-party body that certify the conformity of the product technical reference documents, marketing deed to enhance and diversify the product... For years the training offered by IMQ group represented a point of reference for professional development and the update of freelance and employees. Second and third-party, inspections and testing: expert auditors capable to understand the situation of the company... CSI boasts skills matured in over 50 years of activity. IMQ Group is a brand recognized by the market as a synonym of safety and quality, and an internationally recognized partner, appreciated member of the main international regulatory working groups. CSI combines the certification of products-processes-services with the activities of specialised laboratories operating on a wide range of goods. CSI is an internationally recognised brand and partner, a valued member of the main international regulatory working groups. All CSI staff are obliged to strictly observe professional secrecy. CSI technicians use English as their primary language, and French and German in technical and commercial communications outside Italy. CSI builds its testing and certification services on customer needs. Since the 60' CSI has been working to anticipate the future, to make the present safer.